BeyondChipz The Ultimate Low Carb Bread
Product Details
Finally! A delicious, all-natural, low-carb, keto-friendly friendly bread that has the taste, texture and wholesome goodness of a true artisan pan bread. Each slice of The Ultimate Low Carb Bread has only 2g net carbs, 7g of plant-based protein, and only 50 calories. The Ultimate Low Carb Bread is powered by a new innovative wheat flour called HealthSense that is naturally high in fiber and low in carbohydrates! We combine HealthSense flour with pea protein to create a low-carb and high protein bread the whole family will love! Each loaf is lovingly pan-baked and packaged using a proprietary method, so it stays fresh for up to a year with no preservatives! Amazing. Lab-verified Nutrition: The Ultimate Low Carb Bread is independently lab-tested for nutritional accuracy. The Ultimate Low Carb Bread is Shelf Stable! No need to fill your freezer with frozen bread loaves that must be thawed before eaten. Our low carb bread comes in packaging that is shelf stable until opened. Our revolutionary packaging makes it simple for you to receive and store your bread without adding preservatives. Occasionally though, not every loaf arrives in perfect condition. If you have any issues with your bread, please contact us.